Honor and Glory

Honor and Glory 1993

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FBI agent Tracy Pride is on a mission to capture businessman Jason Slade, who is involved in extortion and murder. Teaming up with her is her sister Joyce, a news reporter; Dragon, Tracy's partner in Hong Kong, and Jake, a bodyguard who worked for Slade. Can they stop Slade before it's too late

  • Released: 1993-04-28
  • Runtime: 87 minutes
  • Genre: Action
  • Stars: Melissa Gardner, Robin Shou, Leo Rocca, Chuck Jeffreys, Calvin Jones, Cynthia Rothrock, Pauline Chan, Dorothy Jackson Smith, Jimmy Aluisi, Susan Hobar, Doug Cohen, Hang Yip Yim, Illissa Flamm, Dave Chamberlin, Carol Parkison, Steve Jeon, Harvey Monder, Sonja Wallace, Walter Hildebrand, Kurt Becker  Show all >
    Sherry Carter, Donna Jason, Arlene Thorner, Jenaro Centeno, Vicky Miller, Mark Mosier, Jason Beavers, Rebecca C. Jones, Malik Dozier, Michael Barry, David Kaplan, John Miller, Gerald Klein
  • Director: Godfrey Ho