In the town of Santa Lucía, the Alcocer family lives, owners of El Santuario, they baptized their daughter as Aldonza, Raymundo was very happy for the event.
Released: 2014-11-10
Runtime: 50 minutes
Stars: Michelle Renaud, Pablo Lyle, Alejandra Barros, Alexis Ayala, Susana González, Thelma Madrigal, Cynthia Klitbo, Alfredo Adame, Lisset, Sachi Tamachiro, Alex Sirvent, Luis Xavier Cavazos, Manuel 'Flaco' Ibáñez, Beatriz Moreno, Horacio Pancheri, Yolanda Ventura, Marco Uriel, Arlette Pacheco, René Strickler, Fernando CermeñoShow all > José Elías Moreno