The lives of three brothers who left their small village in Serbia to live in Sweden. The first one escaped from police, while the other two followed his path.
Released: 2005-11-11
Runtime: 115 minutes
Genre: Action, Drama
Stars: Marko Jeremić, Lisa Lindgren, Slobodan 'Boda' Ninković, Dragan Jovanović, Velimir Živojinović, Georgi Staykov, Saša Drakulić, Milorad Mandić, Bogdan Diklić, Josif Tatić, Goran Marjanović, P.G. Hylén, Petar Božović, Nataša Ninković, Ivan Zarić, Gorica Popović, Jens Hultén, Sten Erici, Iva Štrljić, Malin Sjölander