After being released from prison, a man known as The Rambler stumbles upon a strange mystery as he attempts a dangerous journey through treacherous back roads and small towns en route to reconnecting with his long lost brother.
Released: 2013-01-21
Runtime: 97 minutes
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery
Stars: Dermot Mulroney, Lindsay Pulsipher, Natasha Lyonne, Carrie Lazar, James Cady, Scott Sharot, Paul Blott, Robyn Reede, Christopher Dempsey, Fran Martone, Sherril Johnson, Jed Maheu, Christo Dimassis, Roger M. Mayer, Chris Ranney, Elana Krausz, Stephen Eiland, Vincent E. McDaniel, Johnnie Hector, Jon Kristian MooreShow all > Steven Michael Quezada, Jerry G. Angelo, Rebekah Wiggins, Clark Sanchez, Lonnie Lane, Michael E. Stogner, Matt Olsen, Ragini Bhaumik, Nestor Birner, Michael Buccioni, Hugh Elliot, Michaela Armstrong, Maria Sigmon, Divinity Trever, Rodney Bowe, Nudahunga1, Kate Davis, John Hardman, Clay Walker